6 Ways All Dads Can Be More Confident

Many men experience significant mental health issues and much of this can come from how they perceive themselves and their place in society. While men are expected to be confident, the reality is far different. Like everyone else, men struggle with their self-image and ability. 

But if they want to become the best role model for their kids, they need to learn how to unlock their latent confidence. Everyone can be confident (even if they have to fake it till they make it), so consider how all dads can be more confident for themselves and their kids. 

Be Present 

It can be challenging to be as present as you’d like, especially if you are a single father who needs to balance work, chores, and childcare. However, the more energy you put into being there for your kids, the more confident you will be as a dad. 

Becoming a parent is scary. Everyone worries they aren’t up to it and a mistake is just around the corner. Still, you will never improve if you don’t learn how to be a parent. Much of this comes from simply being there and everything else will happen naturally.

Educate Yourself

There will likely be plenty of issues you will struggle with as a parent. Being a father isn’t a short-term thing, so it is always worth educating yourself to ensure you can provide the best care and advice for your child. 

The world changes rapidly, so there could be issues you may not expect to deal with because you didn’t deal with them when you were a child. However, as society evolves and technology improves, you will be faced with many problems that require your emotional intelligence to help your child overcome them. 

Look After Your Money 

Fathers will struggle to offer their kids everything they want, need, and deserve without money. No one wants to be branded a deadbeat dad, so financial health is essential for any father who has kids or is expecting a child. 

This might mean you need to adjust your lifestyle, but that’s part of becoming a better man. You will also find that having more money makes you more confident. You know you can provide for your family, so you aren’t stressed about where the next meal will come from. As time goes on, you can save money for your child’s college fund or even treat everyone to a vacation they need. 

Learn Things You Can Teach Your Children 

The more you know, the more you can pass on to your kids. As their dad, your children will look up to you regardless, but you also need to give them a reason to respect you as they get older and learn more about the world. 

Being capable is one of the most effective ways to become more confident and earn their respect. Whether you use the best repair manuals to fix things around the house or can whip up a delicious meal for all their friends, your skills and dedication are bound to impress them, and your kids will want you to teach them how to do everything. 

Take Care Of Yourself

Self-confidence and body image are linked, but you already know how challenging it can be to work out when you’re working full-time and have a hundred other things to do. Still, excellent health can drastically improve your mindset and help encourage your kids to do the same. 

You don’t need to hit the gym too hard, and just twenty minutes of exercise daily can make a difference. It could also be a great way to bond with your kids if you go for runs or play sports together. 

Celebrate Your Success 

Sometimes, you just need to celebrate what you’ve done so far to feel more confident. If no one else is there to back you up, you are your only hype man. Celebrating success lets you reflect on your achievements and offer a crucial perspective. You can also give yourself time away from your busy schedule to relax and decompress. While hard work is essential, you should make the most of your spare time to prevent burnout and keep being the best dad. 


While some are born with innate confidence, others need to learn how to cultivate it. Sometimes, this comes from changing things about yourself. You may need to pretend to be confident and see how it comes naturally. However you try to be more confident, you will become the best role model for your kids and give them the power to be confident in themselves, too.


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Dear Fathers
Dear Fathershttps://dearfathers.com
Dear Fathers is The Premiere Media Platform dedicated to telling stories of black fathers from all angles.

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