Some Relaxing Ways To Spend The Weekend That Any And All Dads Will Enjoy

Parents need to take a break from time to time – moms and dads both! It’s difficult to spend all your time focusing on the family and doing very little for yourself. It’s why taking some self care time is core to staying on top of your mental health, and why you need to blow off steam whenever you get the chance to. 

So, are you a father in need of a super relaxing weekend? If you’ve got some free time coming up soon, and you want to use it wisely, we’ve got a little list of the kind of ideas you can rely on. Check it out for just a few suggestions that’ll get your brain working. 

Go Golfing

If you’re a golfing kind of guy, using the next 48 hours to golf is a very good idea! Golfing has a lot of health benefits to it, as it’s a light form of exercise for both the brain and body, and spending some time between holes will really help. 

Plus, if you’ve got a load of clubs in a cupboard somewhere just gathering dust, you deserve to get them out and polish them off! Then, book your golfing trip, take a night in a nearby AirBnB, and then come home again feeling properly refreshed. 

Try a Fishing Tour

A lot of dads love to go fishing. It tends to be calmer than hunting, and you can throw the fish back in the water once you’ve reeled them in. It’s also a great activity for fathers and their children to do together, whether you want to take your son or daughter on your relaxing weekend with you. 

If you fancy a fishing tour, don’t be afraid to head out as far as you like in the car either. Heading to a prime spot like Myrtle Beach Fishing will ensure you catch something you can be proud of, and it’s always better to come home feeling like you’ve accomplished something. That’ll really scratch the need-to-relax itch you’ve got right now! 

Have a Camp Out

Camping is a lovely way to get away from things. It’s also a great way to spend time with your other dad friends, so feel free to use this as an excuse for all of you to get together for a while. 

Make sure you pack a tent that’s roomy enough, and don’t forget about anything you’ll need for the BBQ or campfire. The amount of camping trips that have been ruined by a lack of firelighters is numerous. Having to head out again to track down a store that sells some won’t relax you very much at all! 

If you’re a dad in need of a chance to relax, take your next free weekend and use it properly. Go golfing, try out fishing, or set up a camp and swap stories and beers with your other dad friends. When you come home again, you’ll feel more at ease for the parenting challenges ahead. 


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Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers is The Premiere Media Platform dedicated to telling stories of black fathers from all angles.

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