Here’s What You Should Know About Preparing For A Newborn

If you are getting ready to welcome a new little one into the world, we are so so happy for you. There are so many emotions and thoughts running through your head at this time we’re sure, and it can be a lot for you to untangle. There are so many different things that you are going to need to think about, and for a lot of new parents this can quickly descend into panic which is the last thing that we want for you. Panicking is not going to help anything, so it serves no purpose and should be left behind!

What you do need to do though is make sure that you are as prepared as you can be, which is what we’re here to help you with. In this article, we’re going to be discussing some of the realistic things that you need to know about before you can be fully prepared for a newborn. Keep reading down below if you would like to find out more about what they are.

You Can’t Fully Prepare

First, you can’t fully prepare. We know that this sounds annoying and you’re thinking that you absolutely can and you will, but you can’t. Yes, you can make sure that you have purchased every baby item under the sun, and you can make sure that they have everything that they could possibly need. But, what you won’t be able to do is prepare yourself for the changes. You won’t be able to properly expect something that you have never been through yet and that’s why we say that you can’t fully prepare. 

As well as this, you cannot fully prepare for the overwhelming love that comes with fatherhood and motherhood, so that’s something that is going to hit you like a freight train. It’s one of the most incredible and yet terrifying things that we have ever experienced, so good luck!

Sleep Is A Luxury Now

Another thing that you need to know is that for a lot of new parents sleep becomes a luxury. There are so many different things that need to be done including all of the old household chores that needed taking care of, and this is on top of having a new baby. So, fitting in sleep is going to be a luxury when you have the time. 

We know that it’s super easy to say that you should just sleep when the baby sleeps, but this is unrealistic for a lot of parents. There are still dishes to be done, laundry to do and so much more. While all of this can wait and sleep is more important, it has to be done at some point and catching up is just a nightmare. 

You Are Constantly Exhausted

It’s not even the lack of sleep even though this doesn’t help. You are constantly exhausted because being a new parent is exhausting. Having someone rely on you for literally every tiny thing is absolutely exhausting, and it’s okay to be tired. It’s hard to know that you are responsible for the life and wellbeing of someone besides yourself, and it’s a big change that you’re going to have to get used to. The good news is that you will learn to function through exhaustion. It will be hard at first, and there may be some times where you crash, but eventually you just learn to live with it even though it’s hard to get to that point. We know that it’s easy to think that you will never get through this stage, but we can promise you that you will.

You Need To Bath Them

There are a lot of new parents who completely forget that you need to bath your little one! We know that when you are wrapped up in your little bubble and you are tired that things like this don’t seem important, but they are. It’s true though that when your newborn is still super small, they do not need to bathe every day as this can actually be really bad for their skin. It’s a good idea to look up baby bath frequency to see how many times you need to bathe them per week to keep them clean.

Keep in mind that as they get older, the need for regular cleaning is going to become more frequent. Make sure that you are taking the time to bath them as and when they are needed, as it’s important.

Colic Is A Real Thing

There are some people out there who think that colic is just made up and that it doesn’t exist. It does, and you need to be prepared for the fact that your newborn might end up with it. A large number of babies do, but it’s not anything to worry about as it will fade over time. We say that, but we know that it’s no comfort when you’re in the thick of it, but the thing is you just have to push through even though it’s tough.

There are a lot of things that you can do to try and prevent this such as using anti-colic bottles, and using medicines that are good for colic. Do your research into these and try to choose whichever ones seem to have the best reviews. To be honest, when your baby has colic, you will probably try anything to help them and get them to calm down, but start with the best reviewed first.

It’s Okay To Ask For Help

This one is something that all new parents need to hear even though it can feel like the most difficult thing in the world. It is okay to ask for help. It’s okay to ask the nurses in the hospital for help in the beginning. It’s okay to ask your friends and family for help when you are struggling. Trust us when we say that people would far rather you spoke up about your need for help rather than continuing to struggle behind closed doors and pretend that everything is fine. They say that it takes a village to raise a baby because it does. It was never supposed to be one or two people, it’s supposed to be an entire army of loved ones helping you out when needed.

It might feel as though you can’t ask for help, but you can. If you have nobody in your life that is willing to help you though, there are still options for you. You do not have to be alone, and we hope that you will remember this the next time you feel as though you are drowning and there is no way to get to the surface for air.

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful and now see some of the things that you should be doing in order to prepare for a newborn. It’s not the easiest thing to do, and to be honest there is nothing that can fully prepare you for what is to come, but you can still do your best. Take all of the necessary precautions, get everything ready as best you can, and remind yourself of all the things you need to know. It takes time to get everything sorted in your head, and you have that time before the baby arrives so use it. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you manage to find your way through with your little one. Nothing stays the same forever, remember that.


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Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers is The Premiere Media Platform dedicated to telling stories of black fathers from all angles.

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