Name: Dr. Elijah Glenn City: Hurst, Tx | Instagram: @Humbledadlegacy
What does being a father mean to you?
Describe your experience with your father growing up and how that impacted you today.
I did not have a father growing up. His absence caused me to question my identity of being a man. Meaning I didn’t think I was a man until I had a wife and kids.
My confidence suffer and erected arrogance. I over compensate on out doing what my father should have done. It also drives me.
What things/tools/gems did you take from your experience growing up into your Fatherhood journey today?
What I’ve learned is they want your time and that’s something you can’t get back. So I need to steward my time well. The time I invest now will allow me to see them later.
Have you had any obstacles on your fatherhood journey? If so, explain.
Yes, the main obstacle was when my late wife Genirde passed away and left me with 4 kids ranging from 3 to 12. I became a single father having to manage my grief along with theirs.
Because I had been in their life I was able to lean on them during my grief.
What advice would you give other Fathers on their journey?
If you could write a quick letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?
Dear Father,
I have a hard time calling you that because you haven’t been that to me since I was 5 years old. Your absence has allowed me to question my ability to be a good husband and father. I wasn’t sure of if you care or loved me. I’m still not quite sure.
I question if I want to build a relationship with you. However, I’m not sure it will happen.
Praying God allows you to be a better father.