Helping Your Child Through A Time of Crisis

As a father, being able to support your child through challenging or traumatic life events is par for the course. But just because this is something you are expected to do doesn’t mean everyone is instinctually able to do this correctly.

So, what do you need to know when it comes to helping your child through difficult periods in their life?

Remain Calm

The instinct to protect can be high when you feel like your family is in danger or threatened in any way. However, many times, this can make the situation worse. Stay as calm as possible, and look at things rationally to help you benefit your child and not add to their woes. It might be that you need to step away from the situation for a minute to gather your thoughts and feelings and think logically or bite your tongue, but when emotions are high, the best thing you can do is to be a calming presence.

Gather all the Information

You cannot help them without having all of the facts and details to hand. This means getting the information you need to be able to help and not jump to conclusions. If you don’t have this information, it is a case of biding your time until everything becomes clear and you know exactly what you are facing. Avoid making assumptions that can impact how badly your child feels or can make things more complicated. Take a step back, don’t rush into anything, and don’t make decisions in the heat of the moment.

Know Your Options

Once you have all the facts, you can determine your options. It might be that the best course of action is to do nothing but sit and listen to your child and make them feel better. They don’t always need someone to fight their corner; simply an ear to offload, a calming influence, a listening ear, and some comforting words are the remedy to the situation. Other times, you will need to know what to do in the event of an accident, how to deal with a dog bite injury, or how best to pursue legal action if this is required. Your cold will be booking you for advice and guidance, and you need to know how best to help them in any given situation, even if you are both figuring it out at the same time.

Let Them Know You Are There

Depending on the situation at hand, there might be nothing you can do but give your child time to process what has happened or is happening and allow them to come to you when they are ready. Regardless of how you feel or what you want to do, if it’s not in their best interests, you might be doing more harm than good by pushing them to do something they’re not quite ready to do. Let them know you are there when they are ready, and be patient. Doing nothing sometimes is your best option.

Helping your child through a time of crisis or pain and worry isn’t something any parent wants to have to do, but sadly, many kids are put in these situations often through no fault of their own. Knowing how to help them can strengthen your relationship and allow you to support them as needed.



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Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers is The Premiere Media Platform dedicated to telling stories of black fathers from all angles.

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