Name: Myron Phelps Jr. City: Great Lakes, Illinois | Instagram: @yooskii___
What does being a father mean to you?
EVERYTHING!! The fact that I stepped up & handled my responsibilities as a 20 year old & my daughter made me grow up quicker, makes being a father EVERYTHING! It’s always been just US! I couldn’t imagine having a kid in the world & not take care of that child or be a father to that child.

Describe your experience with your father growing up and how that impacted you today.
It was wishy washy. He was there but he wasn’t there (if that makes sense). Therefore, I always wanted to be FULLY PRESENT for my daughter. My pops missed out on a lot by choice. I refuse to do that! I want her to know I’m there for her so she can always feel comfortable coming to me.
What things did you take from your experience growing up into your own fatherhood journey?
Just the fact of being FULLY PRESENT! Money doesn’t raise a kid.
Have you had any obstacles on your fatherhood journey? If so, explain.
The biggest obstacles I’ve had was when she was a baby & I had no employment, I couldn’t get a lick of assistance. No WIC, no link, no cash assistance. They didn’t even look for the BM when I went in there to put her on child support. Yet, had I been a woman I would’ve gotten the red carpet treatment. The other obstacle was not being able to answer the questions being asked by my daughter. That probably hurt me the most. Wondering why other kids have a mom & she doesn’t. Asking about her family. That hurt me the most because I always felt she deserved the answers.

What advice would you give other Fathers on their journey?
Just be there. Remain 10 toes down. That kid is a product of you so show him/her the way. We all learn from our experiences so don’t be afraid to tell them your story, your truths.
If you could write a quick letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?
Dear Father,
Job well done.
Myron Jr.