7 Things Fathers Need to Teach Their Sons About Self-Sufficiency

All fathers should know the importance of raising future gentlemen and how that will benefit their kids and society as a whole. One way to achieve this is by ensuring your kids learn to be self-sufficient because you know you cannot take care of them forever, even if they don’t realize that yet. If you have a boy who’s growing into a man you want to be proud of, here are seven things you need to teach your son about self-sufficiency. 

Show Them the Benefit Of Chores 

No one likes chores. You probably need to force yourself to vacuum each week and change the sheets, but that doesn’t mean these things don’t have to be done. Kids see chores the same way, and there have likely been more than a few arguments about keeping cleaning their rooms. However, chores are the backbone of a strong household and vital for self-sufficiency. Demonstrating the value of cleaning up after themselves ensures they will grow up instinctively knowing when it’s time to clean up. This will benefit them when they have friends or a date coming over, but it also helps them maintain a tidy mind. 

Let Them Learn Accountability 

Your kids will make mistakes, even if you think you’ve taught them well. It’s just something kids do, and it’s the after that makes the biggest difference. While you want to support your kids, you can’t bail them out of every mistake. They will need to learn accountability eventually as this will help them mature and accept when they have made a mistake. 

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Teach Them How to Fix Things 

Fewer people have a knack for DIY and household repairs than you think. Because of this, you should take the time to teach them how to fix things, whether it’s a leaking tap or car troubles. If you encounter these problems around the house, get them to watch and ask them to help if they are old enough, even if it;’s just handing you a wrench. Teaching your sons how to fix things is also a great way to bond with your son and ensure some quality time they will cherish when they grow up. 

But Also When to Call A Professional 

However, there are some repairs they should not attempt as this could make the problem worse. It’s important they know their limits so they do not hurt themselves or others. These instances could include roof repair, electrical work, or towing their car when it breaks down. The professionals are there for a reason, and there’s no shame in calling them when they are uncomfortable fixing problems. 

Help Them Learn to Love Cooking 

Previous generations considered cooking a girly activity. Nowadays, everyone knows that isn’t true. Your child may have already shown a love for food, but loving food is different from loving cooking. They might solely rely on frozen pizzas and ramen, which is no basis for a healthy diet. As their father, you need to show them how to love cooking and how flavors and ingredients combine to create something out of seemingly nothing. Spend time with them in the kitchen, help them learn which combinations work best, or just show them how to roast a chicken or grill a steak and they’ll be golden. 

Remind Them No Job Is Beneath Them 

Some kids grow up entitled, but this isn’t always their fault. Perhaps society has made them assume they are too good for certain things because they have a diploma or went to university. Everyone is at risk of falling on hard times, and if that happens to them, they’ll need to suck it up and get a job–any job–to pay the bills and provide for their family to ensure things do not get worse. 

Walk Them Through Proper Grooming 

You want your sons to look as good as possible, attract a nice partner, and start a family, but this won’t happen if they don’t know how to look after themselves. Teaching basic hygiene is one thing, while shaving is another skill they will benefit from even if they prefer to wear a beard. Besides this, knowing how to dress and picking the right fit for their body type will make them look their best no matter what. 


While you want to take care of your kids forever, it isn’t possible. You want to teach them as much as you can to ensure they grow up into fine young men capable of looking after themselves and their loved ones. While there is plenty more they will learn along the way, these tips will help you set the foundation for the rest of their lives and they will be eternally grateful even long after you’re gone.



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Dear Fathers is The Premiere Media Platform dedicated to telling stories of black fathers from all angles.

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