Name: Devin Bennett City: Paterson, NJ | Instagram: @Viiralahk
What does being a father mean to you?
Describe your experience with your father growing up and how that impacted you today.

What things did you take from your experience growing up into your own fatherhood journey?
Have you had any obstacles on your fatherhood journey? If so, explain.
Yes absolutely went through a very deep depression stage back in 2017-19 when my first born arrived my mom moved 2 VA I felt I had no help raising a baby boy with me and his mom not being together made things very tough.
What advice would you give others new on their fatherhood journey?
Take your time , be ready for hard situation . But also be the best dad you can be reach out for help & advice never try to do it all alone
If you could write a quick letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?
Absolutely nothing.
List 5 fathers you cosign. (Add their IG names)
@campout_2020, @emac610, @alexstone732, @the_jreamer, @sirm00re