Name: Timothy Horton City: Salt lake city, UT | Instagram: @Kodafellc
What does being a father mean to you?

Describe your experience with your father growing up and how that impacted you today.
What things did you take from your experience growing up into your own fatherhood journey?
What advice would you give others new on their fatherhood journey?
Fatherhood journey is amazing not as hard as people say it is! If I am able to pick up on knowing how to take care of a child that was not mine five years ago and Carry that on to my actual biological daughter, any man can do it if they put their heart and soul into it.
If you could write a quick letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?
Dear father, I just want you to know that despite everything that has gone on in our lives, I love you! I am sorry that we never had the opportunity to really build on anything but I am thankful for the time that we did have I was growing up on and off. I am happy I was able to send you pictures of my daughter so you wouldn’t wonder if I did or did not have a child. I am doing a great job, well the best that I can be a great father for my baby girl and all I can do is contain to grow every day so that I can be a better version of myself to her.