Name: Kevin Davis City: Atlanta, Georgia | Instagram: @Mistrkevin
What does being a father mean to you?
Being a father means everything to me. It’s my legacy. My imprint on my community. My greatest test. My most cherished bond. I used to pray for these days and now I’m living them.
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Describe your experience with your father growing up and how that impacted you today.
My parents were teenagers and we kind of grew up together. We didn’t have much. My father had to travel a lot for work, but he always gave me the sense that he was never too far away and would be there at any moment.
What things did you take from your experience growing up into your own fatherhood journey?
Being that my parents were teenagers trying to figure out how to be successful in the world, I don’t think that they had some of the tools that they needed to make their relationship work. Because of that, I don’t have many pictures of them together when I was a child. I think every child wants to see their parents together even when they didn’t work. So for my child, we are purposefully taking lots of family pictures so that they’ll have them as a reminder. One day they will make their own families and we want them to have these reminders so they never forget what family is supposed to be like.
Have you had any obstacles on your fatherhood journey?
Of course. We’ve had a whole pandemic. Because of Covid, I wasn’t allowed to go to doctors visits. And In being a support to my wife during the pregnancy, there is so much about women that we aren’t taught. I jokingly say that we aren’t taught these things in husband school, but it’s true. We juggle a lot of responsibilities in being a financial provider for our families as well as the emotional supporter, and the physical labor of doing certain tasks to keep our household running smoothly.
What advice would you give others new on their fatherhood journey?
The way that the child is conceived will affect your overall experience. God will bless you for doing things the right way. If you have your children Inside of marriage, it will be a more pleasant experience for you and your families. If not, it can become increasingly stressful.
If you could write a quick letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?
Dear Father, Thank you for the lessons you taught me. The skills you helped me to develop and the example you’ve shown me for what fatherhood is all about. You’ve helped to shape me into the man I am today. I’m forever grateful.