Wallace Holyfield Shares His Dads In Delivery Story

Name: Wallace Holyfield | City: Dallas, TX | IG: @holyfieldcanhelpyou

Take us through your thoughts the moment you realized your child was ready to come into this world.

I was a lot of different emotions. I was happy, afraid, excited, proud… so many emotions. The main thing I was thinking is that I would be the father I always wanted for my child. I remember looking at the Cosby Show and seeing how great of a father he was and I always wanted that. I wanted my Dad to be there to teach me to play sports and be at the games cheering me on like k in the movies. I wanted to be proud to tell all my friends that was my dad when we were out or show family pictures and i did t have it so now i had to chance to make sure mines would plus more.

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What were your physical, mental, and emotional feelings while in the delivery room as your child was entering the world.

Wow, I remember when my daughter came into this world ironically “My Girl” by The Temptations was playing and they put her in my hands and She wasn’t crying. I was. She actually opened her eyes and saw me and I started crying even harder and went and sat down and started singing to her. Easiest the happiest moment in my life, I knew i would do anything. to make sure the world was hers.

Describe what it felt like holding your child for the first time?

That feeling is only comparable to the time i have done it with each of my children. It’s empowering knowing this bundle of joy came from you and they are depending on you to be great. It’s like the feeling you got when your parents were their most proud of you but times 100.

Do you have any advice for fathers who are expecting for the first time?

My advice to expecting fathers is, you won’t be perfect but you WILL be perfect for them. Be for your child what you didn’t receive from the parent you wanted. Grow – Learn – & Teach constantly but most importantly have fun because it’s a journey. There will be moments your children forget that will stay with you for a life time so even though they grow fast make sure you raise them slow.

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Dear Fathers
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Dear Fathers is The Premiere Media Platform dedicated to telling stories of black fathers from all angles.

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