Dominique Bibbs Says “The relationship with my Father was beautiful and poetic”

Name: Dominique Bibbs City: O’Fallon IL | @Nikigotagun

Dad’s Name: Willis André Bibbs Sr.

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Describe your relationship with your Father and how did that impact you?

The relationship with my Father was beautiful and poetic. We were two writers who didn’t know they were true poets and both of us appreciated a good greeting card. Every birthday and Father’s Day I always made him cry, he was always moved by the cards I gave for him. The messages he wrote me I can cherish for a life time. Meaningful messages mean so much to me because he was a firm believer in say what you mean and mean what you say.

What’s the best thing you’ve learned from your Father?

The best thing I learned from my Daddy was that if you are a kind and honest person you can get far in the world. He was so sweet and kind to so many people, his spirit was out of this world. I treat everyone with love and respect because when you are good to others, good things come to you.

What struggles did you face in your relationship with your Dad and how did you get through them?

Me and my Dad faced a lot of things that we didn’t see eye to eye on. When I was in my early teens I suffered from an eating disorder because he use to compare me to Miss Piggy. Years later I held that over his head but never communicated my feelings because at the time I was child and had to stay in a child’s place. Before he died he told me that he compared me to Miss Piggy because of how bossy she was. He healed that part of my childhood for me and I’m thankful for that.

Even when I got pregnant at 16 and he stopped talking to me for 3 months which broke my heart. I really needed my dad but once he got over his baby girl having sex, he was thrilled that a new addition would be apart of the family. My son, Aaron and my dad were two peas in a pod. He would tell me that he’s glad I had him because it gave him more reasons to live.

What has your relationship with your Father taught you about what to look/not look for in your partner?

When I was 12 my dad taught me that if a man can’t do what he does for me then I don’t them. So the standard is high and since he’s not here, it’s really high. I’m the true definition of a Daddy’s Girl.

How has your relationship with your Father shaped the woman you are today?

My Daddy use to get on me about having chipped nail polish on my toes so even as an adult, I make sure to keep my toes done. As a little girl I would just watch everything he did because I wanted to be just like him and it shaped me into a bad ass women, mom and person. My work ethic is strong like his and I know how to spark up a conversation with a stranger.

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If you could write a short letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?

Dear Father,

I miss you and although next month marks a year since you transitioned from this earth, your energy can still be felt. I cry for you daily because I just miss seeing you read your paper in peace. Thank you for the guidance that you gave me while you were here and for the messages I get from you through music, nature, & books. You are still my favorite teacher in this school called life!

Until we meet again for blueberry pancakes

Love your baby girl


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Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers is The Premiere Media Platform dedicated to telling stories of black fathers from all angles.

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