Name: Brandon Johnson City: Dallas TX | Instagram: @bossman_b_44_
What does being a father mean to you?
Being a father means doing whatever is necessary to provide, protect, and be present in your child’s life. I feel this sentence sums it all up because you have to be willing to do whatever is necessary for the child. They didn’t ask to be here so it’s on me to make sure my son has everything he needs to be a successful and productive citizen one day. That starts from building a good habit from the day the child is born. I’ve been reading to him since he was 18 weeks in his mother’s stomach.
Describe your experience with your father growing up and how that impacted you today.
My father was always the hero in my mind. He was super strong, stern, and a Jack of all trades. Seemed like it wasn’t nothing he couldn’t do. My father has taught me everything from hunting and fishing to how to work “smarter not harder”. I think my father did a good job about being transparent about his struggles as I got older and could understand. This has helped me really look at myself to make sure I’m always willing to accept constructive criticism from my child as he gets older. I realize that parents can be all things but we’re never perfect so I think it’s important to have an open channel of communication for your kids.
What things did you take from your experience growing up into your own fatherhood journey?
My Dad went out his way for us but eventually he ended up doing some things that were completely the opposite of what he taught us. This has taught me to make sure I hold myself accountable for my actions and also it has helped me make sure that I’m not just preaching but leading by example. One false move can have your kids looking at you like you lied to them the whole time.
Have you had any obstacles on your fatherhood journey?
Yes I’m currently about to start my 7th court appearance in just 14 months. My ex fiancé got mad after we broke up and she decided to keep my son away from me for 3 months. I didn’t want to accept the fact that this would be my reality so I decided to get a lawyer instead of putting myself on child support like a lot of fathers advised me to do. Immediately after going to court I was awarded 50/50 custody with no child support. This seemed like it was great but the mother then started filing fake CPS reports and other police reports to aid in keeping me away from my son. None of her attempts have worked and here today I am still literally fighting to be in my sons life. I had lawyers who wasn’t listening to what was going on so I ended up becoming my own lawyer with the help of my girlfriend acting as my paralegal. I am on the verge of winning full custody. Wish me luck!
What advice would you give others new on their fatherhood journey?
Make sure you are 100% sure about the person you are having a child with. If you see red signs pay attention to them and trust yourself. A lot of times we see things that aren’t right but we make excuses for what we see. When dealing with your kids cherish them and make sure you are setting them up with a good foundation to build on. My son is 2 years old and he knows a lot for his age including ABCs, counting to 30 in English, and counting to 20 in Spanish. This is because of a 15 min routine before bed every night and going out my way to do learning activities with them. Technology is important but make sure you spend quality time with the child.
If you could write a quick letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?
Thank you for all the help in making me a great man. I wouldn’t be half the person I am today if it wasn’t for you. I love you pops!
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