Jasmine Cobb says her father is the reason she’s a woman of her word

Name: Jasmine Cobb City: St. Louis, MO | @4everhomes_jc

Dad’s Name: Quartez Carson | @Quarteztez

Describe your relationship with your Father and how did that impact you?

My relationship with my father is truly one of a kind. We can sit and have serious conversations respectfully but also laugh and enjoy life together. He instilled the importance of family in my sisters and I. Because of his guidance I value every moment I am blessed with to create memories with my family. I now teach my girls the importance of family.

What’s the best thing you’ve learned from your Father?

The best thing I’ve learned from my father is to never give up on myself and to be a woman of my word. When I fail at things he is always there to help me come up with a game plan to succeed. If I say I’m going to do something he gives me a positive reminder to keep going.

What struggles did you face in your relationship with your Dad and how did you get through them?

As a young teenage girl I truly did not understand the sacrifice my father made for our family or the love he had for me even though I was not his biological child. It takes a lot to step up and raise someone else’s child and I did not understand that. I was rebellious and thought everything he was telling me was only to control me. Now I call him or go see him often for guidance and advice because I know he only wants the best for me! We sit and talk things out instead of assuming we know how each other feels.

What has your relationship with your Father taught you about what to look/not look for in your partner?

I jokingly say I probably will not get married because I haven’t meet a man yet to match the love, energy, or commitment I’ve seen my father give to my mother and our family. He has definitely taught me that a man should put his family first, should know how to lead but understands the value of his Queen, and be a man of his words.

How has your relationship with your Father shaped the woman you are today?

Because of my father I am a strong, confident leader. Whether it’s in my personal life or career, a lot of people turn to me for guidance and support. I strive for excellence in all that I do.

If you could write a short letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?

Dear Father,
Words could never express the level of gratitude and love I have for you. I thank God daily for not only blessing me with an amazing father but allowing my girls to grow up with a grandfather that shows them what unconditional love, protection and support looks like from a man. Thank you for never giving up on me and always being one call away. You are the foundation of our family unity and I am forever honored to call you my daddy!


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