Greg Says ” Being a father is pretty much the coolest science experiment ever.”

Name: Gregory Bowdry  City: Chesterfield, Mo | IG: @Stringzemb

What does being a father mean to you?

To me, being a father is setting a good example. God blessed me with the gift of a son & a daughter. My son is older, so that forced me to tighten up my manly ways. Knowing that I have a little me who admires the ground that I walk it, it is extremely important to me to pave the way for him to be an extraordinary gentlemen.

As far as being a #girlDad, that instantly made me a more patient individual. As a husband, I’ve always been a lover, but to have a young woman that you created, it puts a completely different perspective on the being of women. I am much more caring and understanding, thanks to my daughter.

Being a father is pretty much the coolest science experiment ever.

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Describe your experience with your father growing up and how that impacted you today.

My experience with my father helped me become the father that I am today. My father has always been a hard worker & provider, so I innately added that into my fathering repertoire. He was big on getting us active into sports & other activities, so I do the same with my children. We keep them busy with things that can benefit them in the future.

Having a father in my home gave me the ability to see the characteristics that I wanted to mimic and shy away from as I developed into a father and leader of my own household.

What things did you take from your experience growing up into your own fatherhood journey?

In my fatherhood journey, I noticed things that worked and things that didn’t work. Pushing your children towards a goal is awesome for them & usually has a great outcome, but I’ve also seen that in the midst of pushing that child towards that goal, it is EXTREMELY important to ladle in a bunch of unconditional love. That part may not make sense to all, but unconditional love is needed in EVERY situation when an individual is nurturing a child.

As a father, it is important to balance. Being a husband, father, and man; one must balance in order to accomplish goals without leaving one feel neglected. Amongst everything else, I am also an aspiring musician, so it’s even more important for me to space out my time to make sure that everyone receives their fair share of Daddy. I’d say I’ve been doing a great job so far.

Have you had any obstacles on your fatherhood journey?

Being a father is an obstacle in itself. The trick is to not focus on it as an obstacle; simply understand what needs to be done, map out a plan, and get it done.

What advice would you give others new on their fatherhood journey?

Stay patient, King. You know what to do; just do. Be sure to keep God & family first in all ventures.

If you could write a quick letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?

Thank you for showing me the way. As a man, it is my job to take your experience and example, and create my own path. I appreciate you for lighting the torch.

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Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers is The Premiere Media Platform dedicated to telling stories of black fathers from all angles.

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