Caleb Moss is a 29-year-old, born and bred, Detroit father. He and his wife Micah have been married for two years and recently pursued their passions by launching a new business venture. Their inspiration? Their 10-month-old Chloe, who they are making sacrifices for today to ensure she is set up to experience a prosperous future tomorrow.

“We both went crazy, initially in shock, but then I proceeded to play songs that talked about babies and kids, including 20 minutes of straight praise and worship. When it truly hit me that I was going to be a father — I became ecstatic”.
Caleb reflects on the moments following his wife entering into their room with double lines on the pregnancy test, this was after he had sensed something was different and urged her to purchase the kit and take the test.
He also recalls the first time he met Chloe and is thankful that even in the COVID-19 environment, he was able to be present for the entire labor process. He credits this to the strengthening of their bond in an even greater way. Now at nine months, many of the highlights include seeing her evolve into her own personality, how she responds to various occurrences within the atmosphere, and Caleb revels in the moment he and his wife heard her first laugh, which seemed to stop time for the young couple.
Managing two newborns–a baby and a business– is no cake walk. But, their why is what propels them onward. “We are trying to prepare for as much as we can. Many things are out of our control; however, that does not stop us from preparing for what we do know is to come”, Moss shared.

A very sapient perspective. And, he recognizes that preparation has incredible meaning attached to it.
“We are building a company for creative services, but we want it to have a strong foundation so that Chloe can have the option for her first job to be carrying forth the family business. All the moves that we are making are for the betterment of her and the remainder of our family”, stated Caleb.
Caleb has an uncanny way of learning from the myriad of people who played leading roles in his formative years. He credits his older brother and mother as influencing him the most as he grew up. Hard working and goal oriented, he saw the beauty of execution watching them both navigate life. He also highlights how fortunate he is to have both a biological and bonus dad; this combination put him in a positive position to glean from two great men. His biological father taught him humility and how to remain calm in complex situations, which he now understands in an even greater way as he voyages through life and fatherhood.
His bonus dad showed him what it means to enjoy life and make a positive impression on others. “There should be a clear change when you enter. We are called to be the light in every room that we walk into”, and that beacon continues to guide his pathway even when thinking about the brotherhood of black fathers. Caleb’s message to them, “learn to be present. Things can get broken, forgotten or thrown away, but your presence will always make the difference”.

He mentioned that he loved the wave of visibility black fathers are receiving which directly debunks the myth that black fathers do not exist.
“Don’t allow the pressures from the outside world to affect you, social media is curated. Be real about your experiences!” is his admonition to black fathers especially in the midst of the information age we currently reside in.
What do you want your legacy to be?
“To be as much of a reflection of Christ as I can. I will never be perfect, but I will definitely try. I want people to know that I tried the very best that I could in doing everything I felt called to do”
An ode to his own father would read “Dear Father – thank you for an example that I did not know you were setting”.
And Caleb, we are sure Chloe will have very similar sentiments for you as she grows and learns what a faithful, intentional, present, and surrendered father you are to her.
Learn more about this new business @tupelocreative. Check out Caleb and his wife @thislifetwogether and follow his transparent journey of fatherhood @calebamoss.