Spartacus Brown Says Being a Father “means being there for the blessings that God has given you”

Name: Spartacus Brown | City: Houston, TX | IG: Sparty1906

What does being a father mean to you?

Being a father to me means being there for the blessings that God has given you… He saw fit that he believed that you as a father would raise two of his angels once he give them to you here on earth… being a father means showing unconditional love, undeniably support, extreme encouragement and guidance. Being a father two the best of both worlds (Boy & Girl) if very raire, you will always be your daughter’s first love setting the example of what kind of man should be trying to be apart of her life in the future, my son, the way a man is to lead and follow at the same time; follow God and lead his family, protect, support, and provide by any means… Setting that example is a big responsibility for a real father that chooses to be in their kids lives and I’m honored and blessed that I have been given that opportunity to Mold, Teach, and guide these two Angel’s i have been blessed with… this is what a father means to me

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Describe your experience with your father growing up and how that impacted you today.

My father lived in a different state, but he was very active in my life. Even after my parents separated he was able to still pick me up from school, take me to practice, and as till during me back home. Once he moved out of state inwas spending summers, certain holidays, and special days with him so he was never really absent in my life just want around as other fathers or dads were with their kids.

What things did you take from your experience growing up into your own fatherhood journey?

Well being thought mostly by my mom, she showed me home to me humble, understanding, stern, but also I feel this most important trait I feel she thought me was how to be there when you child needs you no matter what. My father want really their once he moved out of state so all that how to he a man, how to treat a woman, I learned on my own and what ever my mom could teach me.

Have you had any obstacles on your fatherhood journey?

With my first born, she is a big daddy’s princess and i really feel into that trap of letting babygirl get away with any and everything, but as she got older insee thatvwas not a good thing to do… so now I am breaking her out of that habit and showing her i will always be daddy, but there will be rules and guidelines you need to follow because you are getting now your not the little babygirl anymore so I have to teach you how this world will attack, treat, and show you what it really is and how daddy will prepare you to deal with anything that will come your way

What advice would you give others new on their fatherhood journey?

Once you hold your child in your hands for the first time, looking into their eyes so they can make that connection with you from jump. Let them feel your heart beat, allow them to lay on your chest as they do with their mothers so they can feel your heart pattern just as they do with mom… that father bond is started from the first time you hold them. Makes sure you dont miss it. Always be there to love, support, encourage, guide, teach, and oversee what they do, how they do, and the way they are doing it… it’s your blessing from God make sure your cherish what you have been given.

If you could write a quick letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?

Dear Father, Thanks for being there for me in my early years, the love and support you showed me when you were around in the same city was very crucial in how I seen a little of what a man is suppose to be. By being there, the quality time, and the encouragement you gave when I needed it.



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