Daniel Horne Says Being a Father is “being a strong role model to everyone who’s around you”

Name: Daniel Horne  | City: Las Vegas, NV | IG: @Iamdannny

What does being a father mean to you?

To me being a father is very simple it is being a strong role model to everyone who’s around you. Regardless of who’s around you they are always watching and learning from you. So it’s best to always do the right thing and act with integrity because you never know who’s watching.

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Describe your experience with your father growing up and how that impacted you today.

Thinking back on what my father did when I was a kid I’ve learned that no amount of money can make up for spending time. My father may not have bought me everything I wanted but he made sure me and my siblings had everything we needed. He was my first baseball coach and was at every one of my games from little league to high school and to see him at my college games I always knew he had my back. Knowing you’re not alone gives you an assured inner strength that only a loved kid can know.

What things did you take from your experience growing up into your own fatherhood journey?

I’ve seen myself change as a man raising girls. Raising girls has softened me in the places I’ve needed. Being a man it’s had to understand the love little girls need. But definitely overtime you learn what your daughter needs and how to give it to them. Every opportunity I have I show them how a man should treat them and talk to them. Daddy daughter dates are our favorite past time.

Have you had any obstacles on your fatherhood journey?

My oldest daughter lives in Hawaii with her mom and the distance puts a strain on me mentally. Most parents don’t have to worry about crossing an ocean to be with their kids but I do. The average person can’t afford to ever travel to Hawaii. I just thank god he/she put me in the position to be able to afford to go there and spend time with my daughter. FaceTime definitely isn’t enough. I couldn’t imagine what it was like before video chatting. Writing your child a letter or calling a landline to reach them seems so hard. Technology had been my best friend for the past seven years.

What advice would you give others new on their fatherhood journey?

I always tell people “there ain’t no book for this”. Your natural instinct will always be right. Trust yourself and your judgment. You didn’t make it this far by luck. You got it.

If you could write a quick letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?

Dear Father, thank you for always being there. I learned who I was supposed to be by watching you. There are a lot of guys who didn’t have the opportunity to grow up with their fathers. And for that alone I am truly thankful. Thank you for being a good man to my mom and always providing. My whole life you were laying out the blueprint and I have a photographic memory. Thanks dad, I love you.

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