Ted Okosi on his kids “Realizing that they each have their own unique personalities and respecting that.”

Name: Ted Okosi | City: Cliffwood, NJ | IG: @king_realness

What does being a father mean to you?

Being a father to me is always being there for your children, listening to them, nurturing them, loving them. Realizing that they each have their own unique personalities and respecting that. Everything I do is focused and geared towards them. They are my world.

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Describe your experience with your father growing up and how that impacted you today.

My Dad is my hero. He instilled with me the values that I utilize now and I can only hope to be half the man and father he is. My dad was stern but loving. He encourages me.
One time growing up, we were driving and he had to get something from his wallet as we were getting gas for the car. Something dropped out of his wallet and it was the letter I got from being on the Dean’s list, he was so proud he kept it on him. He’s an exceptional Black Father and man.

What things did you take from your experience growing up into your own fatherhood journey?

I mirror my Dad’s values with how I raise my children. I also try my best to mirror his patience. I try to always be honest when I am wrong, and I never hesitate to apologize to them when I make a mistake.

What advice would you give others new on their fatherhood journey?

Stay true to your instincts. Realize your child is not a “little you” They are their own person. Don’t be afraid to admit when you are wrong and always grow to be a better Father every day.

If you could write a quick letter to your father, starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?

Dear Father,

Like my tattoo says, you’re my Brother, you’re my Father, you’re my Hero. I love you Dad. Thank you for your patience and love. Thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made for me. Words can’t describe how much I love and appreciate you! God bless you Dad!


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Dear Fathers is The Premiere Media Platform dedicated to telling stories of black fathers from all angles.

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