Interview: 3 Brothers who wrote “Daddy Who, Mommy You” talk growing up without their father

“Daddy Who? Mommy You!” is a book about a boy who is being raised by a single mom in a fatherless home. With a father who chooses not to be in his life. It’s a story told from a child’s perspective. It aims to encourage kids to do the right thing and make the right choices. It also hopes to inspire them to do what they’re passionate about, despite the absence of their father. It’s a book for all ages. Whether you’re a child or an adult, this book is sure to hit home for any and all who have gone through or who are currently going through this experience. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter at @KorhariyonBooks. And on Instagram and YouTube at @Korhariyon.

Did the idea to write this book come from all 3 of you or did one of you spark the idea first?

We all came up with the idea while discussing the possibility of making a collaborative book together. We wanted to create a story about an issue we experienced firsthand.

When did you all first realize that not having a father present truly affected you?

We realized not having a father affected us around the time we all became teenagers. It’s something that never really bothered us until then.

Being that you’re growing up without a father, do you have male figures in your life that you look up to and provide guidance?

No, not really. The only person whom we look up to as a parental figure and for guidance is our mom.

What struggles do you feel your mom faces trying to raise 3 young boys?

There are many struggles she faced while raising us. Financial issues, time management, and trying to make sure that the three of us turn out to be responsible, upstanding, independent men who follow their dreams. Also making sure we stay leaders and not followers.

If you could each ask your father one question a piece, what would they be?

Well, we would just ask him to read our book. The very minimum that he would care to know about us is explained there.

What things do you feel you’d like to learn from your father, that you can’t because he’s not around?

What we would have liked to learn from our father is how to protect those whom we care about and how to become the best male figures we can be.

Does growing up without a dad make you want to be a better father for your kids when you get older?

It sure does! Trust us, when we become fathers, you can be certain that we will become the best dads we can be to our kids. We will be to them, who we so desperately needed in our own lives!

If you could give any advice to other growing up without a father, what would it be?

If you harbor any resentment or animosity, turn it into inspiration. Turn any negative emotions you have into something productive, something that you and your loved ones can be proud of. Promise yourself that you won’t act in a way similar to your father. Respect and support your mother, even when, or if she can no longer be there for you.

What’s next for you 3? Do you plan to write another book touching on this topic?

Well, “Daddy Who? Mommy You!”, is one of six books we’ve published so far. We have a lot of other book projects we’re currently working on. At the moment, we don’t plan on writing another book on this topic, but we do think about ideas for other collaborative books that we could write in the near future.

If you could write a letter to your father starting with “Dear Father,” what would you say?

Dear Father, please read our book, “Daddy Who? Mommy You!”.


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Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers
Dear Fathers is The Premiere Media Platform dedicated to telling stories of black fathers from all angles.

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